
Illustration of Ed Gorman

In the world there are some people who are just plain nice.

One of those people is Ed Gorman. He is one of my husband's favorite
authors, because of that I have read several novels by him too. He is
a fantastic writer who has been featured from time to time on the blog
my husband, Ben, runs -- Gravetapping is
primarily a book review site; because of this, Ben has had on occasion
the opportunity to communicate with Ed and every time, I am so
impressed at how genuinely kind he seems. Besides being one of the
world's nicest people, I think Ed is also one of the most neat
looking. So, I thought I'd draw him. Sometimes I really want a picture
to turn out especially fantastic, this makes drawing difficult. This
was one of those times. I like how this turned out but it was hard won.

To Mr. Gorman, thank you for writing such wonderful books and for
being the sort of person who is kind to everyone. You are a fantastic
example of how we should all be in that regard.

If you'd like more information about Ed Gorman, click here to visit
his blog
To read reviews of his work on Gravetapping, click here and type his
name into the search engine at the top.


C. Stover said...

Oooh, I like the close up of the eyes. Very mottled looking! Nice!

Kara Boulden said...

Thanks! I wanted to put that close up because I worry that when people see my work here they think I just mess with photos in Photoshop rather than actually drawing everything. I'm glad you like!