It's finished. Due to continuing feelings of sickness, I find I need something to keep my mind occupied; hence, the completion of my drawing of Michelle. She is so awesome and emailed to say that she didn't mind at all my putting this up here, thanks Michelle! I'm glad you like it too! Funny, I like this drawing but liked the previous one as well. I am glad that I continued to work on this drawing, that I didn't leave it undone. I think the final product was worth the effort and was fun to draw/paint. It was so nice smooshing around paint this morning on my computer. I like the smears of paint and the dark places throughout add a continuity that I like as well. I love studying my pictures when I finish with them because I always find spots, surprises, and painted bits that I didn't intend and that's really fun to me.
Note: Michelle is an awesome artist. To see her work
Portfolio Image.
Sickness? It turned out great, but I think either one could stand on it's own. =)
Thanks Crys, I appreciate that! I like both of these in the end too. Interesting. Guess that makes sense though, I really like messy drawings and that first one was messy enough to make me pretty happy hahaha! :)
I just peeked at Michelle's blog and I really like her style. I never did so good at illustrating, so I think I apprecitate it a little more. I hope this doesn't sound bad (because I mean it as a compliment), but it's sort of a mix of Alice in Wonderland and the Adams family. I may have to work on that description, but that's it for now.
I like her stuff too. It's fun and different. I think your description of it is cool, what's not to like about either Alice in Wonderland or the Adams Family? Nice!
wow I just saw this and thank you for thinking it's a mix between alice and wonderland and the adams family! i love both!
Yeah, I like Cristina's comment. I think she summed up your line style well. You are a GRRREAT artist, that's for sure! :)
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